Grades & Policies
Your grade for this course will be determined by the following breakdown:
Website 15%
Audio Essay 15%
Final Project 40%
Process Work 15%
Final Reflection 15%
Participation May raise or lower your final grade
Grading is holistic and based on your progress toward course goals, as well as your active participation in the class. Around the middle of the term, I will schedule a one-on-one conference with you to discuss your work and progress in the course to-date. And your final grade will be determined in response to your final project and reflection, which you will house on your self-designed website. I want to emphasize that process and progress are just as (if not more) important as final products in this course.
I will not be providing written comments for individual projects. Rather, you are highly encouraged to come to office hours or make an appointment with me to discuss your work on a regular basis. In addition, you will be receiving oral feedback from me and from your peers during in-class project workshops on an ongoing basis. In short, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get feedback on your work. However, it is your responsibility to be pro-active, to ask questions, and to seek help.
If you have any questions about your grade, feel free to come by during my office hours at any point during the semester. Grade Scale: A 95-100; A- 90-94; B+ 87-89; B 83-86; B-80-82; C+ 77-79; C 73-76; C- 70-72; D+ 67-69; D 66-64; D- 63-60; F 59 & below.
Note: there are no make-ups for in-class work; I do not accept late work without prior arrangement. Assignments are due, fully uploaded and visible (and/or playable) on your website, by the start of class on the due date; an assignment that is not visible/playable at that time is considered late and will not be accepted. Make sure that you verify that your assignment is visible/playable after you upload it on your website (best practice is to check it in a different web browser). If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to submit any assignments on time, either via email or by posting them online, as appropriate. You are responsible for keeping regular back-ups of all files using your USB drive or external hard drive. Having "computer problems" is not a valid excuse for late or incomplete work.
All student work will be viewed, discussed, and evaluated by me and members of the class primarily through the use of your website. It is your responsibility to keep your website updated and maintained throughout the semester.