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Attendance, Email, & Cell Phone Policies

You are allowed two (2) absences without penalty; after that, each absence will lower your grade by one full step. That is, a third absence will lower a B to a B-, etc. Note: I do not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences, so use your absences wisely. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get notes from your peers regarding in-class demonstrations, discussions, and project workshops. Repeatedly arriving late or leaving early will count as an absence. I reserve the right to act humanely in extraordinary situations.


I occasionally send emails to the class. Please be sure to check your RWU email daily—it is your responsibility to keep up with the work. If you do have to miss class, be sure to check our course website for handouts, course readings, or other assignments. Please do not email me to ask: “did I miss anything important?”


As you should in any public venue, keep cell phones turned off and put away during class. This is a matter of basic courtesy. Unless given permission to use a specific media device or platform in a particular manner, usage is not permitted. This means that texting is not ok unless the class is texting; when we are using the computers, you should not be on Facebook unless we are doing something with Facebook as a class. You get the idea. Please be respectful. If I see you being discourteous, I will stop everything to ask you to rejoin us.


Additional Assistance

If you wish to receive academic accommodations for this course, you must first register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in order to begin the accommodation process.


For additional help with your writing, visit the Writing Center.



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